Latest Release: 1.0.6
Platform | File Name | Signature |
Bitcoin-Safe-1.0.6-arm64.dmg | Signature | |
Bitcoin-Safe-1.0.6-portable.exe | Signature | |
Bitcoin-Safe-1.0.6-setup.exe | Signature | |
Bitcoin-Safe-1.0.6-x86_64.AppImage | Signature | |
Bitcoin-Safe-1.0.6-x86_64.dmg | Signature |
✅ Bitcoin Safe notifies you of a newer version and verifies the authenticity automatically.
Windows binary files are signed, check the Code signing policy. See here the Bitcoin Safe privacy policy. The MacOS binaries are not signed, so please disregard the warning message.
Verify signature
All software is signed with my private key. Verify the download is authentic by following these steps:
Import my public key and verify the signature with:
gpg --import 2759AA7148568ECCB03B76301D82124B440F612D.asc
gpg --verify Bitcoin-Safe-1.0.6-x86_64.AppImage.asc
Alternative install via pip on Mac, Linux, or Windows
python -m pip install bitcoin-safe
python -m bitcoin_safe